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Friday, February 8, 2008

C.N.Y - Lion Dance

The Lion Dance troupe finally arrives around 11 am...

When I first being carried near to the BIG FURRY LION HEAD, I quickly turned and clinged to my mummy for comfort as I'm scared of that strange thing.. BOO BOO.. when the loud banging music starts, I'm accompanied by my mummy into a room, to hide away from the loud noise which is overbearing for me. I keep whinning and hugging mummy during the lion dance performance. Conclusion : I dont like the loud performance.. hope next time I'm older, I will learn to like it. ^_^

* Chinese believed that inviting lion dance performance over during the business opening or during C.N.Y will bring more prosperous and 'WANG" to the family/business!

~ Hugs and Kisses from Hayley ~

~ The pic of the MIGHTY LION that I feared of.. ~

After the dance, the lion make a ausperious formation using the mandarin oranges & chinese lettuce veg for the family

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