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Monday, June 28, 2010

My 2nd Trip to Universal Studio

Anyone out there??

Guess it has been a long long while since my last update. My Mummy has been kept busy with her work and taking care of our needs, hence no time to be near PC to post our pretty pics and updates.

This is a long backdated post.

An outing with my buddy & her family to Universal Studio on 17th April. The week just before I'm down with chicken pox. That time round, my daddy has managed to get the tickets at a great price from his company. We've extra tickets and glad that Vernice & family are free to join us that day. It been quite a long while since my last meet up with her. Both of us have grown a lot too.

Here sharing our HAPPY Photos and some are taken with courtesy from Uncle Timothy.

a pic of the Shrek castle.. in far far away land..

There!! Posing with my buddy, Vernice!

Hello there!

the lil Donkeys

Waiting in turn for our merry go round ride

Mommies & their precious princesses

lil ones jumping in joy & enjoying themselves happily

Giving a tired pose after a long day of hot outing

Posing outside the 'Jungle'

Our happy Photo outside the studio

Finally our last photo to end this post - our happy group photo!!!

~ Love from Happy Hayley ~

1 comment:

My name is Ting Xuan said...

Fyi, kid below 4 yr old is free to go into Universal Studio loh.

oh, can see Hayley enjoying the fun.cheers.