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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My 1st visit to Zoo.. Merry Christmas!!!

Ho Ho Ho..
Merry Christmas!!! Santa Claus is coming to ZOO!!!

This is my 2nd time spending Christmas and this year only just us, our small family outing to Singapore Zoo. We've been postphone this trip for few times. Since the weather looks pretty cloudy this morn and mummy urged daddy to bring us to the zoo as I also seem to recover almost fully from my rashes. Otherwise, time would be wasted for us to laze in our house on a christmas holiday.

So.... mummy and daddy busy packing our stuff. Mummy busy packing my barang barang while daddy packed his camera stuff for our pic taking in the zoo later. By then we reach the zoo, it is about 10.30am. We managed to catch the elephant show in time. but unable to get into water animal show as too crowded for us to squeue in. Although the weather is cloudy, it is very warm and humid, I keep sweating and feel so sticky allover. However, I do enjoying seeing the animals. We had a fun & sweaty time in the zoo till abt 4.30pm. Sharing our happy pics below.

~ Posing with mummy at the extrance of the ZOO.. ready on our set, to start my 1st zoo visiting experience ~

~ Upon entering the zoo, there is a souvenir shop and mummy grab a animal hat for me to try out for fun ~

~ Trying out the tram ride, for my parents to rest and relax during the short journey ~

~ Enjoying my small walk with mummy once in a while, to exercise my small legs from sitting in the stroller for too long ~

~ Waving happily with mummy on a giant copper turtle ~

~ our Happy & Sweaty pose ' like daddy like daughter' ~

~ My pink babyguess tanktop complete with my guess sunshades, ain't I a cool guess girl ready for some advertisement shooting ?

~ Our happy family pic with the loving and colorful parrots ~

~the pretty lovebirds.. the pic is taken so nicely by daddy, looks like a postcard for ZOO, don't you agree? ~

~ LoVe and KiSSes from Hayley, Daddy & Mummy ~

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