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Saturday, December 22, 2007

My 1st visit to PD today

Dear all,

This morn, I had nose bleeding the 1st time in my life. My parents have a big fright in their life esp poor mummy when she awoke and see my whole face smeared with blood all over. She got so shocked that she tugged at my sleepy daddy and pointed to me. We dared not post my bloody pic fm this morn, otherwise my dear friends and relatives dare not come in to visit my blog again.

Not only that, I was having slight fever and blocked nose which could be due to nose bled. My parents panicked and has no clue to which PD to bring me to see as my rashes still on and off. Finally, they managed to book the appt and bring me to visit the PD at Singapore Baby Clinic at Mount A. That is our 1st time to PD's and the last time I had last seen PD is the baby doc who attend to me when I was a newborn baby at TMC. The PD clinic is very nice and the doc told us that it could be food allergy and for the time being, avoid those new food that I've tried this week. The visit itself is very expensive and cost us abt $120. Now, we can only hope for my rashes to go away soon.... I even missed today lesson at MYGYM. sob sob...
I want to get well soon...!!! (tomor I still have BB Khloe's 1st month celebration to attend, hope I can make it)

P/S: PD also recommends that it is better to follow the 3 days rule whenever each new food is introduce to me.

~ Love From Hayley's dearest parents ~

1 comment:

average Joan said...

so what was the food that hayley was allergic to??? so scary!