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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daddy, have you taken your dinner?

Sharing one of event taken place one of evening last week...

** a late evening while Mummy trying her utmost to tuck me to bed, I was busy tossing here and there, jumping on the bed, nearly drove her 'mad' with anger.

Then, Daddy returned home from work & walked into our room, to 'rescue' poor Mummy. Below is the conversation taken place.

Daddy : Darling, be good .. time to sleep
Hayley : I'm not tired..
Daddy: Good girl.. come Daddy tuck u to bed
Hayley paused and quieten .. deep in thought
Hayley : Daddy, u eat dinner yet?
Daddy : Not yet..
Hayley : Daddy, go and eat dinner. I sleep by myself.
Daddy: Really?
Hayley nodded ..

Soon after Daddy left the room, leaving Mummy and me in the room.. I quickly dozed off within 10 min and all by myself. Bravo!! I'm indeed a good girl, letting my hungry & tired Daddy had his dinner in peace. This is something that Daddy like to blog to remind me the next time.

~ Love from Happy Hayley ~

1 comment:

oUr sWeeT nOv said...

ah..good girl..lil hayley.. :)